Roadsurfer Agent & Manager Admin Page


Task Overview

Design a user-friendly system for Roadsurfer that:

  • Connects team members, from field agents to office managers

  • Provides real-time updates on vehicle availability

  • Streamlines daily tasks for everyone involved

  • Adapts to each user's role and responsibilities

Our goal is to boost efficiency across Roadsurfer's locations, making operations smoother and more effective.

As a designer, I will need to create:

  1. Visual designs showing how the system will look and work

  2. A plan to test how well people can use your design

  3. A brief, engaging presentation that:

    • Explains your creative process

    • Showcases your final design concept


My approach


Competitive Analysis

The texts I highlighted in red are the ones I see as having potential for design 🧑🏻‍💻


Qualitative research

Interviewee Demographic

Interviewee Demographic

Total: 5
Age: 35 - 40
Occupation: Corporate staff, managers, fleet management industry, warehouse managers.
Locations: Indonesia, Germany
Years of experience: average 8-10+ years in fleet, warehouse management.



See common pattern from the interview




User Journey Pain Points

Sarah's User Journey: Processing a Vehicle Return

The Feelings I highlighted is the one I believe having the potential to develop a design.


Problem Statement

Roadsurfer's current fleet management system relies heavily on manual data entry by station agents,
leading to inefficiencies and potential errors.

Additionally, there are frequent communication breakdowns between managers and agents across multiple stations.
These issues result in slower processing times, reduced accuracy in vehicle tracking, and decreased overall operational efficiency.

As Roadsurfer aims to expand its operations, addressing these systemic problems is crucial for scalable growth
and improved customer service.


How Might We...🤔

"How Might We" (HMW) is a design thinking technique used to reframe challenges as opportunities, encouraging creative problem-solving by transforming identified issues into open-ended questions that inspire innovative solutions.


User Stories

To make my design clear, I need to focus on one specific task for the agent.
I'm focusing right now on an agent who monitors vans coming in and out on a daily basis.
The user story for my design will be: 

"How Sarah monitors the vans coming in and out and checks the list of available vans in the station."


User Flow


Common UI Pattern

Learning from others


Lo-fi Sketches


Mid-fi wireframes


Usability Testing

From the usability testing, I've learned and gained insights that for most users, the upcoming bookings and returns are important.

Additionally, the term "fleet turnovers" is quite niche and might confuse regular people.

With these insights, I decided to move the Fleet Turnovers widget to the left and change the term "Fleet Turnovers" to "Van In and Out."


Usability Testing (again 🤔)

Well, what can I say? After following what the user wants and tested again the screens, the success rate is 60%, which 20% less than I expected 😅



Through this project, I've discovered that a fleet management system is far more complex than simply managing car key handovers.
It encompasses a wide range of crucial aspects:

Safety: Ensuring vehicles are roadworthy and customers are well-informed.
Cleanliness: Maintaining high standards for customer satisfaction.
Administration: Streamlining processes for efficiency and accuracy.
User-Centric Design: Understanding and addressing the needs of agents, managers, and customers.
Communication: Facilitating clear information flow between all stakeholders.
Data Management: Leveraging information for better decision-making and forecasting.

This project has highlighted the importance of a holistic approach in designing systems that not only meet operational needs but also enhance user experience and business efficiency.